And now for something completely different !

 Not really . Its that time of year again to start thinking about subs.

Subs , BMFA and your CAA are all due for renewal at the end of December /beginning of January.

although some of you may have already renewed your CAA .

Club subs and BMFA fees remain unchanged for 2021 
Clubs Subs Senior £61 Junior £10 .
BMFA Senior £38 Junior £17 
CAA registration fee £9

Can I ask that if at all possible that you pay your subs etc via bank transfer . cash as a last resort.
it not funny standing in a queue outside a bank with a lot of cash and nobs who wont wear a mask brushing past so transfer if possible please.
Contact either Martin or myself for transfer details  you will also need your Club number on the paying in details . Its on the Club card you were given when you joined  or you can contact me for it.

Please pay as soon as possible as we still have to pay the clubs bills etc and if left too long a re-joining fee of £35 WILL be levied this year. If you really cant afford to pay then contact me in confidence .

And Now For Something Completely Different !

Stay well and safe 


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